Do you hear but have difficulty understanding because the speech is not clear?
Have you ever just nodded your head and smiled because what you heard didn’t make any sense?
You don’t have to avoid social situations you enjoy because of back ground noise.

Welcome to Selective Hearing Centers
At Selective Hearing Centers we understand hearing loss and the effects it has on relationships, health, and overall quality of life. We’re here to help. Selective Hearing Centers is Kenosha’s only family owned hearing healthcare facility that works with multiple hearing aid manufacturers to provide our patients with the best options for better hearing. We don’t just run a business here, we live, serve, and worship in the Kenosha community as well.
In your search for better hearing you will have many things to consider including cost, appearance, comfort and most important of all, results. At Selective Hearing Centers we’ll draw from our 20 years of fitting experience helping people just like you, to ensure all of your questions and hearing needs are satisfied.

Welcome to Selective Hearing Centers
At Selective Hearing Centers we understand hearing loss and the effects it has on relationships, health, and overall quality of life. We’re here to help. Selective Hearing Centers is Kenosha’s only family owned hearing healthcare facility that works with multiple hearing aid manufacturers to provide our patients with the best options for better hearing. We don’t just run a business here, we live, serve, and worship in the Kenosha community as well.
In your search for better hearing you will have many things to consider including cost, appearance, comfort and most important of all, results. At Selective Hearing Centers we’ll draw from our 20 years of fitting experience helping people just like you, to ensure all of your questions and hearing needs are satisfied.
We Make Sure the Hearing Aids Are Doing What They Should
You have lots of choices when it comes to addressing your hearing loss. From big box stores to chain stores like Miracle Ear, Avada, Hearing Life and Beltone to over the counter personal sound amplifiers you can buy at a drugstore. There are a lot of places that will sell you hearing aids. At SHC we do far more than just sell you a hearing aid. We partner with you to find the best solution for your situation.
At Selective Hearing Centers we start with an initial consultation at our hearing aid clinic to gather important information about your hearing history and current hearing challenges followed by an inspection of your ear canals. It might just be wax. Next, we complete a thorough battery of tests to find out why you’re having difficulty hearing and IF hearing aids will help. If hearing aids are the best solution, together we will pick out a level of technology that fits your budget and lifestyle. As well as replacing and helping with your hearing aid battery needs. At the fitting we will run a verification test called Real Ear Measurement. In regard to a successful fitting this is probably the most important test we will do. Real Ear verifies that the hearing aids are meeting your hearing loss prescription and yet less than 30% of hearing healthcare providers perform Real Ear. Additionally, we can perform Real Ear Measurements on your current hearing aids even if you purchased them somewhere else.
More Manufacturers Means More Choices at The Best Prices
At Selective Hearing Centers we work with multiple hearing aid manufacturers so that we can offer our patients the best hearing aids at the lowest prices. Our manufactures include Starkey, Oticon, Phonak, Unitron, and more. We have several levels of hearing aid technology starting at $899 per hearing aid. We strive to offer hearing aids for every lifestyle and budget. For those who can’t afford the upfront cost of hearing aids we offer 12-18 months 0% financing w.a.c. We guarantee the best price for the exact same hearing aid and services while providing industry leading care.
We Make Sure the Hearing Aids Are Doing What They Should
You have lots of choices when it comes to addressing your hearing loss. From big box stores to chain stores like Miracle Ear, Avada, Hearing Life and Beltone to over the counter personal sound amplifiers you can buy at a drugstore. There are a lot of places that will sell you hearing aids. At SHC we do far more than just sell you a hearing aid. We partner with you to find the best solution for your situation.
At Selective Hearing Centers we start with an initial consultation to gather important information about your hearing history and current hearing challenges followed by an inspection of your ear canals. It might just be wax. Next, we complete a thorough battery of tests to find out why you’re having difficulty hearing and IF hearing aids will help. If hearing aids are the best solution, together we will pick out a level of technology that fits your budget and lifestyle. At the fitting we will run a verification test called Real Ear Measurement. In regard to a successful fitting this is probably the most important test we will do. Real Ear verifies that the hearing aids are meeting your hearing loss prescription and yet less than 30% of hearing healthcare providers perform Real Ear. Additionally, we can perform Real Ear Measurements on your current hearing aids even if you purchased them somewhere else.
More Manufacturers Means More Choices at The Best Prices
At Selective Hearing Centers we work with multiple hearing aid manufacturers so that we can offer our patients the best hearing aids at the lowest prices. Our manufactures include Starkey, Oticon, Phonak, Unitron, and more. We have several levels of hearing aid technology starting at $799 per hearing aid. We strive to offer hearing aids for every lifestyle and budget. For those who can’t afford the upfront cost of hearing aids we offer a leasing program. We guarantee the best price for the exact same hearing aid and services while providing industry leading care.